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Working Student for Research, Development & Innovation (f/m/d) in Essen

Bewerbungen sind ausschließlich online über unser Portal möglich. Bitte habe Verständnis dafür, dass wir Bewerbungen, die uns per E-Mail erreichen, nicht berücksichtigen können. Stellenbeschreibung A job that inspires • Supporting the RD&I in day-to day business along the entire E.ON group • Support in the implementation of solutions to portfolio management • Preparation of analyses and presentation documents • Direct communication and cooperation with our German and international units round off a multifaceted assignment profile A convincing background • Studies with a technical focus, preferably engineering with at least three successfully completed semesters of study • You are flexible, committed and your results are reliable • Ability to work independently and autonomously • Confident and communicative demeanor, ability to work in an international team • Very good knowledge of English • Open mind and willingness to learn A motivating environment • Look into the Energy Networks from a different perspective, get inspiration and personal growth. You will gain a deep insight into the innovation of Energy Networks, not only in Germany but in the whole E.ON group. You can expect a varied, interesting, and exciting range of tasks • You will get a wide professional network in different areas and countries what will help you to broaden your perspective and decide where to start your professional career • You will receive support from colleagues and benefit from constructive feedback and coaching. Responsible person/ caretaker • You will take on responsibility for challenging tasks from day one and experience a steep learning curve as a result • Very good working atmosphere and being part of a supportive international team • Flexible contract. Let us know how you would like to combine this working experience with your studies and we will support you: part-time, flexible up to 20 hours per week Our team is looking forward to your application. Inklusion Uns ist wichtig, Menschen mit Behinderung ein faires Bewerbungsverfahren zu ermöglichen, in dem sie ihr Bestes zeigen können. Daher wird unsere Schwerbehindertenvertretung frühzeitig in das Verfahren einbezogen. Bitte teile uns über das Bewerbungsformular mit, ob du technische oder organisatorische Anpassungen für das Bewerbungsverfahren benötigst. Wir stellen diese gern zur Verfügung. Wenn es dir nicht möglich ist, dich online zu bewerben und du stattdessen mit jemandem sprechen möchtest, kontaktiere bitte deinen lokalen Recruiter.
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